Access to Quality Behavioral Health Services
Across Northwest Michigan, stakeholders agree there is an urgent need to increase access to the full range of behavioral health providers, services and supports. Upon reviewing local assets and needs, stakeholders prioritized three key change objectives related to increasing access to quality behavioral health resources:
Increase behavioral health providers and services in the region.
Make it easier to access services and supports.
Promote the willingness and ability to seek services.
Currently, stakeholders are working in action teams focused on six action priorities related to these objectives. Click on any of the action teams listed to learn more about their work and to see the resources they have developed for the region:

Expand Behavioral Health Provider Workforce
The expansion of the behavioral health workforce across the region is crucial to meeting the needs of the significant number of children and adults who are not currently able to find the services and supports they require to address their behavioral health needs.
Expand Availability of Behavioral Health Services and Supports
The expansion of the spectrum of crisis services in the region is vital to meet the needs of residents. By strengthening the current crisis services in the area and filling in any gaps, we can divert people from the emergency department and jails and connect them to services and supports needed to improve and maintain their mental health.

Enhance the Coordination of Care
Community health workers and other resource navigators in the region are faced with the burden of navigating the intricate and ever-changing network of services and supports for residents. Easing the strain on this vital workforce can increase the accessibility of necessary resources in the region.
Increase Availability of Navigation & Community Health Worker Support
The network of behavioral health resources in the region is difficult to navigate and can often deter people from accessing the supports they need. Increasing access to experts in navigating this network, such as community health workers, can improve access to services for residents.

Reduce Stigma Associated with Receiving Behavioral Health Services
The fear of receiving judgment from others deters many individuals across all ages from seeking the help they need to effectively address their mental health challenges or substance use disorder. Reducing the stigma that exists against behavioral health can help to promote the use of resources and supports, and encourage those who are in need of help to seek it out.
Promote Behavioral Health Parity
Despite the Affordable Care Act, which requires parity in behavioral health, insurance companies have a history of covering physical care more than behavioral health care. As a result, behavioral health services are often difficult to access for residents across Michigan due to expense and denial of coverage. Increasing residents’ awareness of their rights to behavioral health parity can help improve the accessibility of services.