Recovery from mental illnesses and substance use disorders is possible. In fact, many people with mental illnesses or substance use disorders lead healthy and fulfilling lives. While the journey to recovery may be challenging, you can have a big impact on people who are struggling by imparting a sense of hope and informing them of the resources available to support their recovery process. In fact, how you interact with people with mental illness or substance use disorder can impact their belief in the possibility of their own recovery. How you talk to others about the possibility of recovery can help to end stigma. Today’s challenge highlights the possibility of recovery and includes some videos of individuals in recovery.

Record Your Activities for the Day
The challenge is designed to spur change – in mindsets, behaviors, opportunities and practices. Please help us keep track of how individuals are engaging with the 21-Day Stigma Challenge resources and actions. Each action you take, each resource you review, will add a ticket in your name to the drawing for one of five $100 gift cards at the end of the challenge.
Do You Want To Learn More? Check Out These Additional Resources:
Spread the Message to Youth
Start a Young People In Recovery Chapter. There are currently none in Michigan and they can go a long way toward spreading the message that recovery is possible.
Spread The Word!

Community Resources:
Thank you to our sponsors: