Many mental health conditions first show up in youth and young adults, with about 50% of mental health challenges beginning by the age of 14. Unfortunately, stigma about mental health often gets in the way of youth seeking services and supports; yet early intervention can significantly improve outcomes. How we talk in front of and with youth can impact whether they feel comfortable talking with an adult when a mental health concern might arise. The resources included today provide insights into how to create an environment where youth feel comfortable talking about their mental health concerns and feel supported by the adults around them.

Click Here to Record Your Activities for the Day
The challenge is designed to spur change – in mindsets, behaviors, opportunities and practices. Please help us keep track of how individuals are engaging with the 21-Day Stigma Challenge resources and actions. Each action you take, each resource you review, will add a ticket in your name to the drawing for one of five $100 gift cards at the end of the challenge.
Do You Want To Learn More? Check Out These Additional Resources:
Recovery is Possible
Watch the 1-minute video Be OK With Yourself to hear a local youth’s perspective on her own mental health journey.
Our Turn to Talk
Watch Our Turn to Talk, a documentary produced by Well Beings. It highlights youth sharing their experiences with mental health challenges.
Spread The Word!

Community Resources:
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