Early Vision
The NMCHIR’s Shared Vision served as a guide for bringing about change in our communities.
It provided a step-by-step snapshot for our diverse stakeholders to see how their work and priorities would bring about transformation. Click here to view the former Action Teams – Northern Michigan CHIR webpage.
Through Action Teams, strategies are developed, goals are set, and problems are solved!
In order to develop the best approaches to dealing with Social Determinants of Health across our 10-county area, the NMCHIR established Action Teams that focused on finding solutions to major issues facing our communities such as housing, food access, active living, social cohesion, and system coordination.
Former Action Teams
- Because every community is unique and has access to varying resources, NMCHIR’s Cross-Sector Action Teams were divided into three geographic regions:
- Northern Team – Emmet | Charlevoix | Antrim
- Central Team – Grand Traverse | Leelanau | Benzie
- Southern Team – Kalkaska | Manistee | Missaukee | Wexford
The Cross-Sector Action Teams in each region focused on the same things – the Shared Vision and addressing the root causes related to the Social Determinants of Health.
Each cross-sector action team met quarterly to prioritize strategies that are most affecting the lives of their fellow community members. They were making data-driven decisions from community-specific sources, such as Community Connections, and were leveraging the unique local resources and team member skill-sets that vary greatly throughout each region.
- The Regional Systems Action Teams worked to address Community Systems Conditions, specifically focused on the following:
- Coordinating and aligning systems
- Embedding resident voice in an effective, meaningful way
- Accounting for and incorporating health equity into our work
The Regional Systems Action Team met bi-annually to share lessons learned, successes, and localized expertise across the entire NMCHIR region.
- Health in All Policies (HiAP) is a collaborative approach that integrates and articulates health considerations into policymaking across sectors to improve the health of all communities and people. HiAP recognizes that health is created by a multitude of factors beyond healthcare and, in many cases, beyond the scope of traditional public health activities.The HiAP Action Team is focused on increasing the proportion of the population at a healthy weight. Grounded in the ABLe Change Framework and as an outcome of the Community Health Improvement Plan, implementing Health in All Policies was identified as tool to address this regional community health priority. The goals for the HiAP Action Team include:
- Identify regional stakeholders and champions to help promote HiAP
- Educate communities and organizations about what a culture of health means and how it is applied
- Advocate to promote adoption of policies that meet a HiAP definition and build a culture of health
- The Improving the Homeless Response System Initiative aimed to help improve coordination between the health care and homelessness prevention systems throughout the 10-county region of the NMCHIR. The overarching strategy was to develop a human centered service design process that will inform discharge policies. It will build a visualization of how people move through the health and behavioral systems, information that is provided at each point of service, and responsibility for hand-offs from the health and behavioral health providers to the homelessness service system. Included in this design project is the development of shared language, enhanced communications strategies, and cross training.
- Defining the Problem
- Emerging Interventions
- Catherine’s Story
- Project Summary
- To view the former webpage for The Intersection of Healthcare and Homelessness Initiative, click here.
- To learn more about our important partner in this work, Northwest Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness, visit www.nwmichcoc.com/chir-healthhomelessness-project.html