From the beginning of this project, our work has been based in research. We’ve engaged in both quantitative and qualitative research processes to gather feedback from providers and those at risk of homelessness.

Healthcare and Homelessness Response System Integration Executive Summary

Summarizes all findings including outcomes, opportunities for system improvements. (PDF)

Healthcare and Homelessness Response System Integration Full Report

A complete summary of the research and findings from the work conducted in 2019. (PowerPoint Document)

Homeless Individuals Interview Report

A summary of the qualitative interviews conducted in 2019 with homeless and at-risk individuals. (PDF)

Intersection of Health and Homelessness: Stakeholders

Qualitative research summary and findings, conducted by the project team and the Center for Healthy Communities at the Michigan Public Health Institute. Includes information on survey respondents, how frequently they interact with homeless clients, whether they have intake and discharge resources for homeless individuals and barriers to providing care. Research covers before and after grant activities. (PDF)

Intersection of Health and Homelessness: Coordinated Discharge Summary

The link above is to the final report. The research summary that took place at the end of 2019 details three key themes that showed up in the data:

  • Having a common discharge plan in place at their organization increased after the grant activities took place.

  • Affordable housing is a main barrier to providing care to those experiencing homelessness.

  • Respondents rated their organization as more effective at meeting the health care needs of homeless individuals after the grant activities took place.

A true story of one woman’s journey at the intersection of health and homelessness
