Stigma against mental illness and substance use disorders can often make those affected feel alone or isolated in their struggle. This isolation can compound the issue and make it even harder for people to seek treatment and recover. A necessary step towards ending stigma is creating spaces and communities that are more inclusive and accepting. For example, while both physical and mental illnesses are common and treatable, we treat individuals with these diseases differently, often calling people who have cancer “brave”, “resilient”, and “strong”. Imagine what could happen if we started to use words like this when we refer to people with a mental illness or a substance use disorder. This day includes ways we can create more accepting and inclusive spaces in our communities.

Record Your Activities for the Day
The challenge is designed to spur change – in mindsets, behaviors, opportunities and practices. Please help us keep track of how individuals are engaging with the 21-Day Stigma Challenge resources and actions. Each action you take, each resource you review, will add a ticket in your name to the drawing for one of five $100 gift cards at the end of the challenge.
Do You Want To Learn More? Check Out These Additional Resources:
Create a Compassionate Environment
Watch this 3-minute video about the impact of stigma on mothers who have substance use disorders and how you can create a more compassionate environment.
Reframe Your Automatic Thoughts
Read the short guide to Reframe Your Automatic Thoughts to reduce the influence of stigma.
Spread The Word!

Community Resources:
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